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CLAMF Competition 22nd July 2012

July 23rd, 2012 by admin

Vintage A & Classic B Team Race

It was just a super winters day for flying. Warm and sunny with light winds. Doesn’t get much better than that. It was possibly the best Sunday we’ve had since Easter. It was just a club event, so a bit of swapping pilots and pitmen was fine. As always, these club events provide good racing practice for some major events later in the year.

Classic B was first up and provided the usual close racing. A variety of engines were at the field including OSFX, Enya, Irvine, Brodak, GMS and ASP.


Vintage A Team Race

Vintage A was a low key event with both Harry Bailey and Ken Hunting breaking the Dimpled Dumpling/R250 mould by using second string CS Olivers in an Olympian and a Tarantula.

In pre-race practice John Hallowell and Andrew Nugent had the Elliptical in the mid 21’s for 42 laps but John had to go early so they did not race.  Andrew then used Mark Ellin’s R250 in his new DD but could not do better than mid 3.20’s.

Murray and Neil again showed how fast the pink and black DD is with an easy FTD 3.15. No final was run in Vintage A.


Vintage A Team Race Results

Heat 1 Heat 2
1 M.Wilson/N.Baker 3:15.53 3:20.93
2 G.Wilson/A.Nugent 3:24.85 3:25.88
3 H.Bailey/P.Roberts 3:49.47 3:38.10
4 K.Hunting/M.Ellins 3:48.97 3:50.28


Classic B Team Race

Classic B was first up and provided the usual super close racing. In the heats, only 1.94 seconds separated the top three qualifiers! A variety of engines were at the field including OSFX, Enya, Irvine, Brodak, GMS and ASP.

It was great to see some new faces in the circle. Gavan Opperman was racing with his Galaxie for the first time and did extremely well. In his heat against current World Champ Mark Ellins, Gavan was first away. Both pitmen were flicking Brodak B25Rs.  Gavan’s best time of 3.12 is an excellent start.

Adam Kobalt and Matt Bready were flying the old Murray Wilson Galaxie.  This model was not quite on the pace this time with a best of 3.21 but was a Nats winner in January 2009 when the late Lance Smith was flying with Murray.  Lance’s memory survives as his modified engines continue to dominate this racing class.

Graeme Wilson and Mark Ellins had a rich run on the first tank of their first heat but then needled in to record a 3.11.84 in the second heat. However, the winners of January’s CLAMF Grand Prix were not quick enough to make the final at this meet.

Paul Stein had both the Willows in his corner and tuned the Enya 25 so it was on song for a 3.04.75 heat.  Harry Bailey and Peter Roberts just pipped that time with a blistering 3.03.47.

John Hallowell and Murray Wilson had a wrong needle in the Irvine in the first heat and quickly swapped to the OS FX Streak for the second heat. The Streak did the job with a FTD 3.02.81.

The final of Classic B was a beauty with all models evenly matched for speed. Graeme’s landings were fast and Paul’s restarts were a blur.  I was later told that one stop was timed at less than12 seconds. That’s motor cut, landing, refuel, battery in, restart, battery out, take-off and up to speed.  Real Formula One stuff!  However, the Enya wasn’t doing 50 laps for a 2 stop race and the OS FX was… and there was the vital difference.

So with Harry and Peter pushing the others all the way, it was John and Murray with Oppy doing a top job on battery, who crossed the line first in 5.53.12, the second fasted time ever for a Classic B final. No surprise to learn that Rob Fitzgerald and Paul Stein own the best time, an amazing 5.49 .40 at the 2010 Vic. State Champs.


Classic B Team Race Results

Heat 1 Heat 2 Final
1 J.Hallowell/M.Wilson DNF 26 3:02.81 5:53.12 OS FX
2 M&G.Wilson/P.Stein 3:04.75 DNS 6:04.09 Enya
3 H.Bailey/P.Roberts 3:14.53 3:03.47 6:42.50 Brodak
4 G.Wilson/M.Ellins 3:32.25 3:11.84 Brodak
5 J.Hallowell/G.Opperman 3:12.38 3:19.03 Brodak
6 A.Kobelt/M.Bready 4:30.22 3:21.31 Brodak


John Hallowell

AUS 1984.

CLAMF Competition 22nd July 2012

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Action shot 1 - Gavin releases the Galaxy Classic B team racer after a scheduled refueling stop


CLAMF Competition 8th July 2012

July 9th, 2012 by admin

Speed, Vintage Stunt, 1/2A Combat

CLAMF Competition 8th July 2012

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Vern's smart looking Perky Speed racer

Sunny and calm conditions greeted competitors for the scheduled July competition. Speed, Vintage Stunt and 1/2A combat a were all flown and well supported.


Vintage Stunt

1 Peter Roberts 169 173 OS MAX III Flite Streak
2 Ken Maier 128 168 Glo Chief Demon
3 Gavan Opperman 162 DNS Fox 36 Oriental
4 Matt Noonan 120 137 OS LA 25 Peacemaker


1/2A Combat

1 A.Kobelt W L W W
2 G.Wilson W W L L
3 T.Caselli L L



Name Pos Class Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3 Fastest Fastest in kph % Motor
R. Heirn 1 Vint Proto 31.89 31.62 N.T 31.62 183.2 97.28 O.S.25
M. Wilson 2 FAI 12.68 12.92 N.T. 12.68 283.9 94.95 Profi
R. Heirn 3 5 14.92 15.14 14.88 14.88 241.94 92.4 Nova Rossi 21
R. Heirn 4 Proto 27.12 26.78 N.T. 26.78 216.33 90.1 Nova Rossi 21
N. Wake 5 1 15.5 15.86 15.5 232.26 89.4 Nova Rossi 12
N. Wake 6 5 16.39 N.T. 16.3 16.3 220.86 84.4 Nova Rossi 21
V. Marquet 7 Vint Proto 44.97 43.55 41.53 41.53 139.5 74.07 K & B 29
P. Stein 55.97 41.56 40.51 40.51 ST G15 RV
A. Nugent 41.62 40.67 40.67 ST G15 RV
N. Wake 48.11 48.41 48.11 Force 15
V. Marquet 57.18 NEL 57.18 Fox 15
Closest to average 46.62 N.Wake


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