

Espadon Triathlon




Navy Carrier

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This event combines 3 disciplines of model flying – combat, racing and aerobatics.


12. Triathlon
12.1. General
The Triathlon is a contest in which a single model/engine combination is flown in three separate tasks.
The events are:
12.1.1. Stunt – flown to Vintage Stunt pattern
12.1.2. Rat Race – Similar to 2.5cc Simple Rat Race
12.1.3. Combat – Similar to 2.5cc Simple Combat
12.2. Circle Layout
The layout shall consist of 2 concentric circles which shall be marked out on grass.
12.2.1. The pitting circle: Radius 19.6 metres
12.2.2. The centre circle: Radius 3 metres
12.3. Characteristics of a Triathlon model
12.3.1. Maximum Engine capacity: 2.5 cc
12.3.2. Engine shall be an unmodified, non racing engine. The following engines are currently acceptable. Plain Bearing: O.S, Enya, PAW, Thunder Tiger, Taipan, Webra and Silver Swallow. Ball Race: Taipan BR diesel, PAW SBR, PAW TBR and Oliver Tiger. (Note: Ball Race engines must use a 200mm (8″) diameter or larger propeller.
12.3.3. A commercially available wood, nylon or glass reinforced nylon propeller must be used. (ie no Carbon or Glass Epoxy props eg Bolly, Supercool etc)
12.3.4. Model design is unrestricted but engines shall be uncowled and the model must be fitted with a fixed undercarriage for take-off and landing.
12.3.5. Fuel system shall be suction feed only. No crankcase pressure, bladders or pacifiers are permitted.
12.3.6. Fuel cut-outs are not permitted.
12.4. Control Systems
12.4.1. Line Length: The length of the control lines must be 15.92m +100 -0mm. The length is measured from the face of the grip on the control handle to the centre line of the model.
12.4.2. Control lines: two multi-strand control line wires of a minimum diameter of 0.3mm must be used.
12.4.3. Line test: A pull test of 20g shall be applied for 5 seconds to the model/line combination.
12.5. Number of Models
12.5.1. A contestant may enter and use only one model to complete the three tasks.
12.6. Conduct of Event
12.6.1. Aerobatics: The aerobatics task shall be flow and scored according to the vintage stunt pattern. Starting and Take-off Level Flight Climb and Dive Wingover 3 Inside Loops Inverted flight (2 laps) 3 Outside Loops 2 Lazy Eights Landing
12.6.2. Rat Race: Rat race shall consist of 1 heat of 5 minutes duration. Whipping is not permitted except on take-off and landing. The model must make 1 compulsory pitstop 4 up heats may be flown at the C.D’s discretion.
12.6.3. Combat: Combat shall consist of 1 bout only. 4 minutes duration with 1 minute preparation period prior to signal for launch. 100 Points scored for each cut. 1 Point for each second of airtime. If during a bout, one model fails to leave the ground, the other models pilot may elect to accept his accumulated airtime, or request to re fly against the same competitor. The points gained in the re fly become the score for the bout. In the event of an odd number of competitors, one competitor drawn randomly (from the competitors with models still able to fly) will be asked to fly again. The competitor so concerned will have the option of taking the score from either of his/her bouts.
12.7. Contest Scoring
12.7.1. For each segment (ie Stunt, Rat, Combat) points will be allocated as follows:
Where N=Number of Entries
1st Place = N Points
2nd Place = N-1 Points
3rd Place = N-2 Points
Nth Place = 1 Point
Notes: A non-starter in any task receives 0 points. Combat is divided into Wins/Losses before score is used to calculate points. eg Competitor with 200 points and a win, scores higher than competitor with 400 points and a loss.
12.8. Winner of Contest
12.8.1. The contest winner, is the competitor who has scored the highest aggregate points for all three tasks in the Triathlon.
12.8.2. Ties for 1st, 2nd or 3rd can be broken with a fly-off in the combat task at the discretion of the competitors concerned.
12.9. Safety
12.9.1. Rat Race Mechanics must wear a safety helmet fitted with a chin strap worn under the chin. Pitting segments must be used at all times. Landing models shall clear the lines of models being pitted by at least 200mm. Piloting style is “very relaxed”, however pilots should observe good race practice. Walk in a forward direction only Crouch when your model is being pitted Remain inside the centre circle at all times. (One foot can be placed outside when the mechanic has retrieved the model) Take-off smoothly, ie no wingovers on take-off. Don’t obstruct other teams from flying/overtaking normally.
12.9.2. Combat Mechanics must wear a safety helmet fitted with a chin strap worn under the chin. Pilots must wear a helmet if they leave the centre circle during the bout. Models must be withdrawn outside the safety circle before servicing during the combat bout. Mechanics must enter the circle radially to retrieve a model. ie running across the circle is not permitted.

Text and images are from the
Victorian Rules, Section 12

These Rules are promulgated by C.L.A.C. for the conduct of unofficial control line events run in Victoria. All events included in these rules are current and may be added to or deleted at the discretion of C.L.A.C. The Rules presented here have been drafted to be read in conjunction with the current M.A.A.A rules book, and have been formatted so as to be easily filed with the M.A.A.A rules book

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