Australian Speed

Australian Speed

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Australian Speed




4.3.1 Model Characteristics
a) No restrictions on areas or loadings.
b) Model may R.O.G. or be hand-launched, except for Jets which will be R.O.G. only
c) Detachable undercarriages are permissible for R.O.G.
d) For Class V: Models to be upright engine design with a wing not more than 1 inch difference between inboard or outboard wings. Single blade propellers not allowed.
4.3.2 Fuel Fuel is unrestricted, but see 2.4 [e].
a) Sport Jet :- Allowable fuel to be a minimum of 80%; Shellite, White spirit, petrol or methanol, with no more than 20% additive of Propylene oxide, Nitro methane, MEK or similar. Open Jet fuel is unrestricted.
4.3.3 Classes and Specifications

Class I

Class II

Class III

Class IV

Provisional Class
Class V

Open Jet

Provisional Class
Stock Jet

Max. Engine Capacity


5.0 cc

10 cc

6.6 cc
(5.01cc min.)


See #A below

See #B below

Min. flight radius

15.92 m

18.3 m

21.35 m

19.8 m

17.69 m

21.35 m

18.3 m

Min. line dia.
Dual lines

.30 mm

0.455 mm

0.60 mm

0.50 mm

0.455 mm

0.60 mm

0.525 mm

Mono line


0.60 mm

0.787 mm

0.787 mm


0.787 mm


Max. Weight

500 gm

950 gm

1300 gm

1000 gm

800 gm

1300 gm(wet)

1300 gm(wet)

#A Max. Engine Capacity for JET
80mm Maximum combustion chamber.
9.675 cm2 maximum internal cross section of tailpipe
#B Max Engine Capacity for Jet (Stock)
65 mm Maximum head length (valve face to air intake)
Note: The metric dimensions shown have been converted from imperial measurements.
Equivalents are:-

0.300 mm

= 0.012 in

15.92 m

= 52 ft 3 in

0.406 mm

= 0.016 in

17.69 m

= 58 ft 5 in

0.455 mm

= 0.018 in

18.30 m

= 60 ft

0.500 mm

= 0.020 in

19.80 m

= 64 ft 11.5 in

0.525 mm

= 0.021 in

21.35 m

= 70 ft

0.560 mm

= 0.022 in

0.600 mm

= 0.024 in

0.787 mm

= 0.031 in
For Class I: Divergent cone exhausts are forbidden. Open exhaust or non divergent constant diameter exhaust extensions may be used.For Class IV: Divergent cone exhausts are forbidden. Constant diameter type extensions are allowed, provided that the overall length (measured from the centre-line of the piston to the end of the exhaust system) does not exceed 150mm. The measurement shall be along the centre line of the exhaust system.For Class V: Divergent cone exhausts are forbidden. Constant diameter type extensions are allowed, provided that the overall length (measured from the centre-line of the piston to the end of the exhaust system) does not exceed 150mm.For Jet: Engines to be used in Jet are to be either, O.S., Dyna, Bailey, Home-built or any commercially available jet to the above specifications. The pulse jet is to be attached to the model and is not to be an integral part of the airframe.
4.3.4 a) Lines are to be of good quality, high tensile, unplated steel and/or steel alloys. Commercially graded wire diameters will be acceptable provided that they do not measure more than 0.0004 in. under nominal size. Multi stranded type lines may not be used.
b) All control lines on class 2 and class 3 models are to be attached at the model by the use of bobbins, as is standard practice in mono line classes. Bobbins are to be of steel or material of equal strength. Bobbins are to measure a minimum of the following formula based on the control line wire diameter [D] applicable to the class. The width of the bobbin groove is to be no less than the total of the wire diameters or greater than 0.010 in. clearance on the wire diameters. [See diagram, page 2 – 44]
c) All handle connections are to have a deformation strength greater than the control line used.
d) Where the two-line configuration is used on any class of speed model, no twisting or linking together of the two lines is permitted.
e) A safety strap or similar device effectively connecting the pilot and the handle together must be used.
f) Class I, Class IV and Jet models using dual lines must use bobbins to the above formula. Double over locking type connectors or similar with a minimum strength of 20 kg [ 44 lbs] for Class I and 45 kg (100 lbs) for Jet and Class IV may be used with bobbins. The use of line connectors only is not permissible and centre type connectors are banned.
4.3.5 Line Length Measurement (Flight Radius)
Lines shall be measured from the grip edge of the handle grip – finger grip if torpedo type handle is used, or cross bar (if fitted to the handle) – to the axis of the propeller. Where two or more engines or propellers are employed, the axis of symmetry is taken as the reference for measurement.
4.3.6 Line Tests Line tests shall be made prior to each flight.
a) The entire system of safety strap, handle, lines and model shall be subjected to a pull test of 40g for Class I, 45g for Class II, Class IV and Jet, and 50g for Class III.
b) In addition to the load test, a visual examination is to be made by the Contest Director, FAI Observer or other appointed officer.
c) The Contest Director or other authorised person responsible for checking lines and equipment has the right to disallow any model, on points of safety, even if the requirements of the rules are fulfilled.
4.3.7 Length of Courses
All classes, except Class I and IV which will be flown over 1000 m (1 km.), will be flown over a measured 804.67 meters [half mile] course comprising the following:-

Class I

Class II

Class III

Class IV

Class V

Open Jet

Stock Jet

10 laps

7 laps

6 laps

8 laps

9 Laps

6 laps

7 laps

4.3.8 Number of Timekeepers and Judges
a) For an attempt to be recognised as an official flight, there must be present three [3] timekeepers who are known to be experienced and capable, each equipped with a 1/100th second stopwatch. In addition an optical electronic system with equal or better resolution and accuracy may be used.
b) An FAI Observer must be present as witness to the timekeepers, or be one of the timekeepers, and is to ensure that all aspects of the flight, timekeeping and processing of the model conform to the rules.
4.3.9 Starting of Timing
For timing to commence, the pilot must position the control handle in the pylon fork so that the point on the handle from which the line length was measured is not behind the pylon pivot.
4.3.10 Timing Procedure
a) Upon the pilot placing the handle correctly in the pylon fork, the timekeepers shall allow two full laps from opposite the timekeeping position before starting timing for the appropriate number of laps.
b) The time keepers , in unison, will count down and then up throughout the flight – that is, , 2-1-0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 or 10.
c) The official time shall be the average of the three watches, if all the watches are within 1/10th of a second. If only two watches are within 1/10th of a second, then the average of the two will count; the third watch will be ignored.
d) In the event that none of the watches are within 1/10th of a second of each other, then the competitor may claim the longest time or request a repeat of his flight.
4.3.11 Cancellation of the Flight A flight is cancelled:-
a) when any form of assistance is applied for the purpose of increasing the speed of the model, other than that provided by the engine, during the official part of the flight;
b) if, at any time during the timing procedure, the model exceeds a height of 4.5 metres [15 feet] for more than one lap;
c) continuous contact is not maintained with the pylon fork during the timing procedure; or
d) jettisoning of other than the take off dolly occurs.
4.3.12 Number of Flights and Attempts
a) Each competitor is entitled to three official flights.
b) Two attempts shall constitute an official flight.
c) An attempt shall not be more than three minutes, or five minutes for Jet.
d) A competitor may elect to call an attempt and use the pylon provided the Contest Director is notified beforehand.
e) The flight is official whenever the competitor places his handle in the pylon fork during an attempt and when the timekeepers start the watches, except under rule 4.3.12.d].
4.3.13 All participants must be current affiliate members of the MAAA(Inc).
4.3.14 Records may be set at sanctioned contests without prior notice and at such times and places as outlined by Section 7 of Chapter 2 of the Rules Handbook.
4.3.15 All other record flights must be witnessed by an FAI Observer who shall ensure that all requirements of the rules are met.
4.3.16 Contest organisers may run the event combining all speed classes and award places on the achieved percentage of current speed records in the class contested. When there is a minimum of five entries in Jet Speed, it may be run concurrently with Combined speed although listed as a separate event.A contestant can fly all classes and place more than once if the event is organised in this fashion.
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