F2D Modified Combat

F2D Modified Combat

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F2D Modified Combat

F2D Modified Combat is an event where there are 2 pilots in the 2-metre radius centre circle, attacking the paper streamer attached to the opponent’s aircraft.

This event differs to FAI F2D Combat in that there is no restriction on engines used, i.e. there is no maximum intake diameter or maximum outlet diameter.

This event is very easy to get involved in as competitors can increase the performance of their engine by alterations not allowed in F2D.

Again there is no restriction on model design, but as in every event, building a nice light, strong model is the key to success.

There can also be damage occur in this event, as models do come close to each other when combat is happening, so backup models are required, with a maximum of 2 models able to be used in 1 combat bout.

The winner of the 4-minute combat bout is determined by the amount of cuts and airtime added together.




4.6A.1. F2D Combat – Modified to Australian rules is flown to current F2D rules except that:
a) rule 4.4.6.d is deleted, and
b) the requirements of 4.4.5. relating to fuel specification shall not apply.
c) the requirements of 4.4.5. relating to the mandatory use of silencer(s) for glow engines shall not apply IN NON NOISE SENSITIVE AREAS.
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