2,5cc Rat Race

2,5cc Rat Race

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2.5cc Rat Race



RAT RACES (2.5 cc)
(As per MAAA TEAM RACE) A Rat Race is a simultaneous race between three control line models and their pilots, similar to Team Racing, but with fewer restrictive requirements. The object is to fly the greatest number of laps in a set race time. A team shall consist of a pilot, a mechanic and an assistant (if required).
4.7.2 Model Specifications


Models must be rigged for counter-clockwise flying.


Models must R.O.G.


Engines shall have a displacement of 1.91-2.5 cc.


There is no restriction on wing area, fuselage cross-section or fuel tank capacity.


Fuel shut-offs are mandatory; pilots must be able to stop and land the model within ten laps when required by the Contest Director.


Model shall have a maximum weight of 650 gm.
4.7.3 Line length: 15.92 metres, + 100mm, – 0mm
4.7.4 Line diameter: Minimum line diameter: 0.3 mm.
4.7.5 Control line handles may be made of metal, wood or plastic. The handle shall be of a size and shape that the pilot is able to safely change hands while flying.The handle should be of such construction that it has two places to hold.

Control Line Handle suitable for holding in two places.

4.7.6 Single line systems shall not be used.
4.7.7 The model’s control mechanism from the handle and including the model shall withstand a 25 g pull test prior to each heat.
A race site must consist of two concentric circles which shall be marked on the ground as follows:-
a) Circle to be used by mechanics is 19.6 m radius. This is called the flight circle and is divided into six equal 60 degree sectors, the limits of which define the starting and refuelling points
b) Circle to be used by the pilot shall be 3 m radius. This is called the centre circle. The pilot shall be permitted to place one foot outside the centre circle after the mechanic has retrieved the model.
4.7.9 Races shall consist of two heats, if needed, and a final. The three highest single heat scorers will go into the final. Each entrant shall be entitled to fly in two heats (one in each round) to qualify for the final.
4.7.10 Heat times will be 10 minutes.
4.7.11 Final time will be 20 minutes.
4.7.12 One refuelling stop is mandatory in each heat and two refuelling stops in the final.
4.7.13 Rat Race starting procedures will apply as follows :-
a) A first signal given by the Contest Director authorizes the mechanics to proceed with the warming up to the motor(s), during the 90 seconds. A second signal announces the end of the warming up period and orders the mechanics to stop motor(s).
b) A period of 30 seconds is allowed for final preparations (filling up the tanks) and the Contest Director announces the last 5 seconds by reverse counting.
c) The starting signal is given by the Contest Director through a visual signal (flag) and a sound signal. For the last 3 seconds of the countdown and at the starting signal the mechanics must be standing erect close to their model aircraft and the pilots must be crouching on the border of the centre circle, with their control handles as close to the ground as defined by the Contest Director.
d) Landings take place inside the flight circle.
e) The model aircraft must touch the ground with its motor(s) stopped before the mechanic is allowed to catch it.
f) After the mechanic has caught the model aircraft, he must go to the nearest free pitting area from the point at which the model aircraft was stopped. A pitting area is occupied if a mechanic is standing at such an area, even if his team’s model aircraft is still in the air.
g) After the mechanic has caught the model aircraft, but only then, the pilot is allowed to put 1 foot outside the centre circle.
h) During the refueling and the restart of the motor(s), and until the time when he releases the model aircraft, the mechanic must keep the model aircraft in contact with the ground by at least 1 point and with the centre line outside the flight circle. During that time the pilot must be crouching or sitting inside the centre circle. He keeps his handle and lines as close to the ground as defined by the Contest Director until the model aircraft starts again.
i) The race ends when the official time limit has been reached, which is fixed at 10 minutes for a heat and 20 minutes for a final race.
j) When the model aircraft cannot continue after a stop, its pilot must sit down or crouch outside the centre circle as long as the other competitors are still engaged in the race, unless the Contest Director allows him to leave the circle earlier.
4.7.14 Except for overtaking, flying height shall be between 2 metres and 6 metres.
4.7.15 a) Whipping will be permitted, however, contestants will be warned for dangerous flying. Three such warnings will lead to disqualification.
b) Refer 4.7.2. Fuel Shut-offs. Failure to shut motor off and land the model within 10 laps when directed by the CD will lead to disqualification.
c) A team shall be eliminated from a race if a member of the team or the model causes a collision or crash.
4.7.16 Pilots may not leave the centre circle while flying. Mechanics must not at any time enter the flight circle without consent of the Contest Director and then they must enter the flight circle radially to retrieve the model.
4.7.17 Mechanics must wear safety helmets at all times with the chinstrap attached and worn under the chin.
4.7.18 Mechanical engine starting devices shall not be allowed.
4.7.19 Scoring:
1. Officials shall be a Contest Director and a lap counter for each model. All lap counters shall stand together at one point. Each entrant shall have his particular counter pointed out to him.
2. The laps flown by each model shall be counted from the starting signal until the end of the flying time.
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