Navy Carrier

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Navy Carrier

Over the years Navy Carrier has gained a reputation for spills, thrills and tumbles – truly a pilot’s event. Navy Carrier also offers enough of a flying challenge with a combination of high and low speed flying followed by a precision? ‘arrested’ landing.

Model Airplane News September 1972 states:

“Probably any flyer, from the Sunday sport to the die hard competition flyer would on occasion like to find a low pressure event in which he/she can be competitive without having to devote his/her life and fortune to achieve this end” ….

Flying consists of a take-off from the forward portion of the deck followed by high-speed flight of seven laps. After the high-speed portion of the flight, the contestant slows the model and signals the low-speed of the event (seven laps). When slow flight is complete, the contestant lands the model on the aft portion of the deck so that the tail hook on the model catches one of the arresting ropes. The ropes are tied to sand bags which stop the model.


1.0 Aircraft Requirements
Model must have fixed or retractable landing gear and if retractable, must be lowered for landing.
An arrestor hook, which when extended must not exceed 1/3rd fuselage length, must be fitted.
Permitted controls:
  • Throttle
  • Elevator
  • Flaps
  • Rudder
Line sliders and movable ailerons not permitted.
Tuned pipe systems of any sort are banned.
Maximum wingspan is 44 inches.
Class 1 – Engine displacement 0.20 cubic inches and below
Class 2 – Engine displacement above 0.20 cubic inches up to and including 0.40 cubic inches
Class 3 – Engine displacement above 0.40 cubic inches up to and including 0.60 cubic inches
Class is used only to categorise engine capacity for line length and diameter.
2.0 Control Line Requirements
Line length from centre of model to centre of hand grip (front of grip) shall be:
Class 1 – 52’3” plus 6” minus 3” – timed over 8 laps (1/2 mile)
Class 2 & 3 – 60’ plus 6” minus 3” – timed over 7 laps (1/2 mile)
Minimum line diameter:
Class 1 – 3 Lines 0.30mm (.012 in) 2 Lines 0.375mm (015 in)
Class 2 – 3 Lines 0.35mm (.014 in) 2 Lines 0.455mm (018 in)
Class 3 – 3 Lines 0.455mm (.018 in) 2 Lines 0.60mm (0.24 in)
Models, control systems and lines must withstand 20G pull test.
3.0 Official Flight
Failure to produce a model on deck two minutes after being called to fly will result in an attempt being called. Three minutes are allocated to become airborne after a competitor signals he/she is ready or begins to start engine(s). Any endeavour to take off is an attempt. Three attempts are permitted for two official flights. A flight is considered official when the competitor signals for a low speed run. Multi-engine models are permitted an additional two minutes starting time for each additional engine.
4.0 Flight Requirements
All ground area shall be designated as ‘water’. If any part of the model touches ‘water’, it is deemed to have crashed. An altitude of 20’0’ must not be exceeded for more than ½ lap during a timed run. No whipping is allowed.
High Speed Flight
First seven (7) laps (8 laps – Class 1) after take-off constitute the high speed run. Timed from release of model.
Low Speed Flight
The competitor must signal the start of his/her seven lap (8 laps – Class 1) low speed run – the stern of the carrier being the staring point. Pilot must not walk around in a circle larger than 3’0” diameter. Multi-engine models must have all engines running to obtain full points for speed differential points.
5.0 Arrested Landing
Landings must be at low speed only and be completed within eight minutes of take-off. Pilot must signal when ready to land. After this each laps decreases landing score by five points.
6.0 Scoring Bonus Points
Any scale model of a navy carrier aircraft operational or experimental will be awarded 100 bonus points. Scale 3 views of full size aircraft must be submitted. No points will be awarded if the linear dimensions of the major components are not within 5 percent scale tolerance. Models will not be measured unless in case of a protest.Landing gear need not be scale but must emerge from the correct location. If the engine or accessories protrude from the scale contours of the model a clearance of no more than ¼” (6.5mm) may exist around them.20 points are awarded for models with more than 1 engine to power the model, provided each engine(s) contribute power at least from take off to completion of the high speed run.Wing dihedral must be to scale +/- 2 or 3 degrees. Cockpit area may be clear or painted in contrasting colour. Colour schemes and markings shall be representative of aircraft modelled.Any model with a scale-like appearance of a navy carrier aircraft Operational or Experimental will be awarded 10 bonus points.Any model that has a Navy-like colour scheme will be awarded 10 bonus points.

Models that do not have flaps will be awarded 10 bonus points.

7.0 Take-off
Model must take off from free-roll portion of the deck.
8.0 High Speed Flight
High speed is recorded in seconds to the nearest 1/10th of a second.
9.0 Low Speed Flight
Low speed is recorded in seconds to the nearest 1/10th of a second.
10.0 Landing Points
Landing including ‘dead stick’ scores as:100 points for normal three-point arrested landing.
50 points for arrested landing with model in other than three- point attitude.
25 points for arrested landing with model coming to rest on its’ back or with one wheel off the deck.From the above score five points will be deducted for each unsuccessful landing approach made after signalling. No landing scores will be less than zero. No points for other landings.
11.0 Scoring
The score is calculated as follows :Subtract the high speed time from the low speed time.
The resulting number of seconds is expressed as the time difference in points.
Subtract any deductions from the landing points and add the resulting figure to the time difference points.
Finally, add any bonus points to produce the overall score.
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