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CLAMF Competition 10th September 2023

October 16th, 2023 by admin
Combined Speed & Vintage Combat. A good entry of 11 models flown, perfect weather considering the bad weather of previous weeks. First up was Greg Nelson from SA flying his 1/2A Proto model, not as fast as previous, as he has the record, then he flew a vintage CCM “Special“ a model that was built by Vern Marquette years ago. Harry had a flight with his OS 11, sounded good but was over revving as it has Mini Goodyear props, not enough pitch, M/G props are around 4.5. Needs about 5.5 on the thick wires.

CLAMF Competition 10th September 2023

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I then flew a new model I just built for something to do, it is a 1974 speed model called an “ASSY KILLER” by Ren-zo Grandesso, he was a ST works flier, he flew it at the 1974 W/C in Czechoslo-vakia. Tony Cincotta ended up with one of Renzo’s models, I know it was genuine as it had 154 on wing [Renzos number], I have the original alloy wing as I made a new wing around the 1990’s as the original one was damaged. I used to fly the model for Tony at times, but it was slow with the ST X15 motor, I don’t think it was the original motor, I used my old X15 in my version that I tried in FAI speed in the early 1970’s, was slow, not much better than my KOSMIC 15. It is one of the first sidewinder designs but due to the rear induction engine is on the inside making construction a bit harder than our normal ones. Model did not fly that well, and needed a lot of up when motor stopped which it did after a few laps on pipe, so no time recorded. Murray flew his Class 5 model and 1/2 A Proto, but then had to go to other circle to fly Vintage Combat, as did Greg and Harry, so they did not fly some of their other models. Problem was we started late. Tim Cooper had his models the 1/2 A Proto and Simple Speed, had his usual 3 good flights, setting personal best in both. Later on he got out his Mini/Mini Goodyear model with a Cox TD.049 for .049 speed, only had .012” lines instead of .008” but did well on suction and only 10% nitro. He is going for .008′ lines next speed day. 049 speed has not been flown for years, I had an AVRO VULCAN delta with an AME .049 which did 180 kph. The rotation speed got a bit much on 35ft lines so we changed to 42ft but has not been flown in comp since. Ken flew his 1/2 A Proto with an AP Hornet? engine. Next I flew a model to the British 2cc new rules, they have had 2cc in England since 1995?? I won 1996 & 7 combined speed there with my OS PS11. Just lately they have started flying them but using FAI models with de-bored Irvine 15 back to 2cc using a magic muffler and 25% nitro. I thought as a project I would try to beat record of 238 KPH using my normal Novarossi 2cc. I made a magic muffler, but did not have the dimensions so found a photo on EBay and made as close as I could. Went well first flight but I had trouble keeping up with it in the pylon so I got Murray Wilson to fly it [thanks Murray] did 97.5% happy with that. Thanks to all who turned up and help especially Ron Savage again. Next speed day is November 12. Robin Ten entries for VintageCombat was a good number for a club competition. New-comer Beau Murphy is more likely to be seen around the Pylon racing scene but you would not have guessed from his competent flying style that this was his first combat competition. Danny Rich was once a regular on the control line circles and his return to fly some combat was welcomed. Engines use were the usual mix of Fora, Parra, ST G15 and Oliver clones. Keith Baddock used the only glow engine which was an OS 15FP mounted in an Early Bird model. Highest point scoring bout of the day was in Rd 3 between Tony Caselli 364 and Murray Wilson 392. Murray flew against Ken Maier in a fly-off for first and sec-ond placings and Murray completed his run of four wins and no losses the score being Murray 520 and Ken 170.
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